Israel to Ireland

Monday, June 26, 2006

Close your eyes and think of England

ol' blighty.

The usual mad rush to the ferry. Ever since I met Hannah, I've been rushing to meet ferries. So really, having an indetermined number of kilometers to go, a vauge since of the general direction, the possibility of a strong headwind and a hard deadline, or the ship leaves without us, should be a totally familiar feeling. In fact, it was. So was the mounting stress.

While we promised once again to never make a reservation that needs to be met by bicycle, wandering through the dunes from Haarlem south, even getting lost and having to follow signs through Den Haag, was a fun and nice slice of Dutch life. I suspect the most civilized country we've visited yet. It's even hard to stay lost on bike in Holland. While we tried to follow LD1 (long-distance bike route 1) we had LD 7 and LD 9 to choose from. There's no question who has right of way on the road there.

So, with the usual few minutes to spare we collapsed in our seats, watch a football game with the local chapter of deaf Austrian bikers (why am I always suprised by how friendly Harley riders are?) and had a beer.

We were scooped up by Adar somewhere in the center of London and were able to stay with the whole family for the weekend. Highlights of course, a day in the british "wilds" and a trip to the natural history museum. Once we find a computer that will allow us to upload photos, we'll post a few.

And for biogeeks only--a portrait of Richard Owen


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